
Case Study: The Strategy of a UI/UX Designer

This article tells the journey of Brenda Vázquez, a UI/UX designer who, facing work challenges, transformed her career by productizing her services and expanding internationally with the help of Crema. Her story highlights how adaptability and innovative strategies can optimize freelance work and attract global clients.

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Team Crema  June 3rd 2024

In the competitive world of design, standing out and staying relevant is a constant challenge. Brenda Vázquez, a talented UI/UX designer from Guadalajara, has not only managed to stay relevant but also thrive by turning her services into marketable products. This strategy has not only optimized her workflow but also allowed her to attract international clients and efficiently manage her multiple professional roles. Through her story, we will explore how Brenda transformed her career and how Crema has been a key catalyst in her success.

Beginnings in Design and Early Challenges

Brenda graduated in Design from the University of Guadalajara (UDG), a respected institution but with a curriculum that was not fully updated to the technological needs of the current market. However, Brenda was determined to excel. Her first job was at a marketing agency, where she worked as a web designer. In this role, she not only provided graphic support but also showed a proactive attitude by learning web development and creating content for social media.

The beginning of her career was promising, but the pandemic brought significant challenges. For six months, Brenda was out of work, facing uncertainty and the need to find new opportunities. It was at this time that she began to seriously consider freelance work as a viable option.

Transition to Freelance Work and the Discovery of Crema

Determined to seek other sources of income, Brenda decided to join Crema and its community of freelancers, Club Crema. "I had a 9-5 job, but I wanted to productize my services because it's easier to offer something under your own parameters," says Brenda. This decision marked a turning point in her career. Within the first two months of joining Crema, Brenda landed her first freelance project as an e-commerce assistant with a famous fitness influencer. This project not only provided her with additional income but also allowed her to establish a solid foundation in the world of e-commerce.

Success in E-commerce and Opportunity at Birdman

Working as an e-commerce assistant with an influential fitness figure gave Brenda great exposure and practical experience in e-commerce management and graphic content design. This experience was invaluable and allowed her to significantly improve her skills. Brenda took on the role of head of e-commerce and graphic content design, consolidating her reputation as a versatile and competent professional.

Later on, the opportunity to work at Birdman, a renowned brand, arose, where Brenda worked as a junior designer. This position allowed her to further refine her skills and expand her portfolio. Her ability to handle both a fixed job and freelance work allowed her to gain diverse and rich experience, strengthening her professional profile.

Transition to Fintech and Evolution Towards Productization

After her time at Birdman, Brenda joined a fintech company as a UX/UI designer. Here, she immersed herself in user experience design and creating intuitive interfaces, reinforcing her expertise in a highly demanded field. However, simultaneously managing a fixed job and freelance work posed new challenges in terms of time management and expectations.

To address these challenges, Brenda decided to establish her services as products. "It's easier to make a product out of my services instead of leaving it ambiguous, and that's going to harm me and the relationship," explains Brenda. This strategy allowed her to clearly define the boundaries of her work and set realistic expectations with her clients. Productizing her services facilitated time management and allowed her to maintain a healthy balance between her work commitments.

International Expansion and Subscription Model

The transformation in the way she offered her services allowed Brenda to attract her first international client, an NGO that supports migrants. With this client, she implemented a subscription model that allowed her to structure her services efficiently and predictably. The subscription model not only provided her with recurring income but also allowed her to dedicate specific time to each client, ensuring the quality of her work and customer satisfaction.

Using Crema was crucial in this process. Through the platform, Brenda was able to manage her payments quickly and easily. "You just have to pay with this link, it was super easy for them," says Brenda. The ease of use and efficiency of Crema made both Brenda and her clients value the platform, facilitating international transactions and ensuring that payments were made smoothly.

The Crema Community and Brenda's Future

In addition to facilitating payments, Crema offered Brenda a supportive community and resources that were fundamental to her professional growth. She found in Crema not only a financial management tool but also a network of contacts and opportunities that allowed her to expand and continually improve.

"I'm happy to have found Crema, where I found a community, my first freelance job, and the way to expand internationally," says Brenda. Her story is a testament to the power of community and the importance of adapting and evolving in the freelance world.

Final Thoughts

Brenda's story is an inspiring example of how adaptability, resilience, and innovation can transform a career. By productizing her services, Brenda not only optimized her workflow but also positioned herself as a reliable and efficient professional in the international market. Crema played a crucial role in her success, providing the necessary tools and community to thrive in the competitive world of freelancing.

If you're a freelancer looking to improve your management and attract international clients, consider the productization strategy and explore the advantages that platforms like Crema can offer. Brenda's story demonstrates that with the right tools and an innovative mindset, it is possible to reach new levels of success and professional satisfaction.

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